A Rani Bagh tree trail kicks off - an ideal venue for an open-to-the-skies nature interpretation centre.
Photograph courtesy Bittu Sahgal

Large internal gardens - designed with foresight to prevent
overcrowding and accommodate the thousands who visit.
Photograph courtesy Shubhada Nikharge

"Forming an oasis of verdure and floral beauty amidst a wilderness
of streets and dusty roads the poorest inhabitants in their holiday
hours will there have a 'compound' of their own to resort to, with
which that of the biggest sett cannot compare." - TOI editorial comment, July 22, 1865.
Photograph courtesy Shubhada Nikharge

A park for all seasons and reasons - thousands of citizens
throng Rani Bagh on festival days.
Photograph courtesy Hutokshi Rustomfram

Children from the Byculla Municipal School attend
a tree trail conducted by the Save Rani Bagh Committee as part of the 150-year celebrations.
Photograph courtesy Shubhada Nikharge

An affordable entry fee promotes an egalitarian ethos.
Photograph courtesy Shubhada Nikharge.

A 150-year-old cradle for botany students - SIES College pupils on an early morning outing.
Photograph courtesy Shubhada Nikharge.

A readymade venue for nature sensitization and
conservation education - children at a painting
session organized by the BMC.
Photograph courtesy Shubhada Nikharge.

A park protected in its 150th year ... so that the sense of
wonderment and discovery can be passed on to future generations.
Photograph courtesy Shubhada Nikharge.

Children posing in the hollow of a massive Rain Tree.
Photograph courtesy Shubhada Nikharge.